Recently I took a sort of silent hiatus from my Facebook newsfeed, only hopping in and out of the groups I admin and take part in for my business. The reason for my choice was simple: people aren’t nice to each other and share horrible things. I never want to be known as a negative-nellie, but witnessing the hurtful things people write and argue about can make a person doubt the state of things. Why can’t we all just get along? Why does everyone fall in to the trap of sharing fake news, drawing lines in the sand and making everything feel like a fight?
I remember a few months back I was listening to a podcast of an interview with an interesting and jolly fellow, a man named Bob Goff. Instantly I was intrigued and quickly downloaded the audible of his book Everybody, Always: Becoming Love in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People. Within the first few chapters I knew this was no ordinary book about a man’s life, this book felt like technicolor exploding in a hum-drum, sepia backdrop of modern culture. Bob has a poignant way of being unassuming, child-like, straightforward, curious, with zero ego to get in the way. What is most amazing to me is how Bob finds himself in out-of-the ordinary situations, whether it be a homeless man who sits in Bob’s car all day, receiving multiple calls from a prison inmate and agreeing to pay for his homebound ankle bracelet, or in the midst of the first trial against a witch doctor in the history of the Republic of Uganda. The answer isn’t complicated, Bob simply makes himself available. Available to answer any call he receives on his cell phone no matter who, what, or when. He is available to lead a parade through his neighborhood every New Year’s day, to become the ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to the United States, and to care for a dying neighbor with extreme love and devotion. He is simply available.
Very few books get a second or third time through for me, and this book is one of em!!! I’m enthralled, captivated, challenged, and activated to find my own way of becoming Love.
Why You Should Read it:
Because in his distinct and delightful way, Bob breaks down how we need to love everyone, not just the ones who are easy to love and how it doesn’t have to be complicated. He makes the topic of being Love very simple (not easy). The whole book is quotable and you will find yourself referencing one of his many stories at your next dinner party. If you purchase the physical copy of the book have a highlighter or journal handy, you will use it! And if you are like me and enjoy this on audible, prepare to hit the pause button often to recover from what may be a frequent ugly cry sesh.
Love is the most uncomplicated and meaningful thing we can become and this book is how to love Everybody, Always.
Favorite Quotes:
“Someone once asked me what I would write if I only had six words for my autobiography. Here’s what I came up with: What if we weren’t afraid anymore? “
“We don’t need to call everything we do “ministry.” Just call it Tuesday. That’s what people who are becoming loved do.”
“Loving people means caring without an agenda. As soon as we have an agenda, it’s not love anymore.”
“The way we love the people we don’t agree with is the best evidence that the tomb is really empty.”
“Most people need love and acceptance more than they need advice.”
Want to win this book? It’s part of my BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY!

I’m giving away a copy of Everybody, Always, a $25 gift card to Rifle Paper Co., a Small Queendom “4 things” tote bag, doTERRA lemon, lavender, peppermint essential oil trio, and a really rad water bottle.